Tuesday 13 October 2009

Most of us throw a piece of meat on the barbeque or the frying pan and hope that it turns out roughly right. But there is a very easy way to tell whether the meat you are cooking is to your taste or your guests for that matter.
Once you learn the trick avoiding cooking steaks for guests and friends will be a thing of the past. Just as you can enjoy the eating it will take the stress out of cooking them too.

It is so simple can you count to 5?

1. Take a look at your hand, under your thumb there is a large cushion of flesh, imagine that this is the steak, prod it with a finger on your other hand it feels quite soft with a lot of give in it

2. Repeat the above only this time place the thumb and index finger together lightly so they are just touching now prod with the same finger you used on the other hand below the thumb.

3. Repeat the process as above only replace the index finger for the second finger

4. Use the third finger remembering to prod the flesh below the thumb.

5. You guessed it thumb to pinkie finger remember not to press them make sure they are just touching.

I am sure you have figured it out roughly but here is a legend to help
1. Rare
2. Medium rare
3. Medium
4. Medium well
5. Well done (or as I call it done in!)

There you have it pick the favourite way you eat your steak and try it out it works every time


Looking for recipes to try it out on? click here

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